Emma vie, ako za týždeň schudnúť 2 kilá: Sama je ľahšia o 35 kilogramov
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Emma vie, ako za týždeň schudnúť 2 kilá: Sama je ľahšia o 35 kilogramov

chudnutie dieta

Zdroj: instagram/emma.hamlin

Emma sa rokmi vypapala na necelých sto kilogramov, no keď chcela schudnúť, nedarilo sa jej. Dnes sa však pýši štíhlou figúrou bez tukových vankúšov. Ako sa jej to podarilo?

Emma je matka dvoch detí, ktorá žila v spokojnom manželstve. Ako to u mnohých ľudí býva, pomaličky a nenápadne priberala. Po narodení druhého dieťaťa vážila takmer 100 kilogramov. Len samotná chôdza ju veľakrát tak unavila, že používala invalidný vozík. Všetko sa zmenilo pri jednom incidente, ktorý si navždy zapamätá. 

Počas osláv narodenín svojho otca ostala zaseknutá v aute, pretože sa z neho jednoducho nedokázala dostať. Vtedy si povedala, že musí schudnúť. Aj u nej začal kolotoč diét, ktoré akosi nefungovali. Minula veľa peňazí na rôzne odtučovacie kúry a programy s nulovým alebo minimálnym efektom. Zároveň sa jej rozpadlo manželstvo, z čoho bola nešťastná. Vtedy si uvedomila, že dlhé roky každého pred sebou uprednostňovala a samej sebe nevenovala žiadnu pozornosť. Rovnako ako mnoho žien v jej situácii - bola unavená a bez energie. 

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A decade ago, a bomb went off in my life. My health was in total crisis - I found myself sick, 35 kilo’s overweight, chronically depressed and unable to walk properly for three months. I’d just given birth to my first son and this was the beginning of my journey to reshape my life and put my health FIRST. Since then, I’ve completely transformed my body, mindset and relationship with food. I've kept my weight off for years. Why did the bomb go off? I was like so many other women - everyone else came first. I had a busy corporate job in those days - my job, my husband and my staff came before everything. By the time I entered my late 20’s I knew that I had to lose weight, but I felt like nothing worked. My energy levels were so low, I was constantly drained - food and drink was always a quick-fix for comfort when things got challenging. I tried all the strategies the weight loss guru’s were teaching. I quit carbs, bought shakes, I did stints at the gym. Nothing was sustainable and it all just made me feel like a failure. So – why bother, I thought? It all seemed too bloody hard. Frankly – I was comfortable and just kept going along with everything. Until - the bomb. This picture was me at my lowest. It was my dad’s birthday and mum hired a vintage car. We all went to the Chandon Winery for lunch. I remember being in such physical pain with my stomach and lower back. All I wanted to do was sleep. When we arrived, everyone else excitedly got out of the car. The car doors slammed shut. I was left behind. I was so heavy and in such pain that I couldn’t even move out of my seat! I sobbed. After a minute or so, everyone must have noticed I was left inside and someone helped me out. I waddled into the winery, struggling to walk, hunched over. I wore an old skirt of my mum’s and one of the cheap cardigans I used to live in because nothing else fit. I could feel people looking at me, and I overheard someone say ‘What’s going on with her?’ I wanted to cry. ✨This was the turn around point. It’s never to late to make a lifestyle change. If I can - you can too! #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #health #motivation #melbourne #coach #nutrition

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Emma Hamlin (@emma.hamlin),

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Let’s talk FASHION! ? • Possibly one of my worst fashion moments EVER!! • I’d either be wearing something over-sized or too tight. • • Before I lost weight, shopping for clothes was something I would avoid. It made me super miserable. • • Actually, the perky shop assistants with the slim figures used to bug me the most! • • And if an event was coming up - omg - I’d be trying to lose weight like mad. Instead of looking forward to it - I’d be stressing about what to wear. I was uncomfortable, and never felt like myself. Honestly - I felt invisible. It was a sad time. If you are feeling like I did - let me know. My program is designed for women just like you. I know your struggle inside and out - and I know exactly how to turn things around. Look at me now! • • Life is too short not to look and feel your best, isn’t it? If I reached my healthy weight - you can too! • • • ❤️ Em • • • • • #weightlosstransformation #empoweringwomen #australia #motivation #fashion #coach #fitness #health #dress #melbourne #easyweightlosssystem

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Emma Hamlin (@emma.hamlin),

Emma si povedala, že sekne s jedlami z rýchleho občerstvenia, sladkosťami a nezdravými potravinami a začne si všetko variť doma sama. A presne to bol aj kľúč k chudšej a zdravšej postave. Za pár týždňov sa jej podarilo dať dole viac ako 35 kilogramov! Dnes radí iným ženám v zhadzovaní kilogramov a má za sebou naozaj veľmi slušné výsledky. 

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Who wants a sneaky peak in my fridge and pantry?! Who would LOVE to have an absolutely joyous relationship with food, like me?! I never feel I'm missing out on anything, and losing the weight and keeping it off is actually easy for me. Why? Because when I lost 35 kilo's, no food or food group was ever completely 'off the table!' I got conscious and made some powerful 'tweaks' which allowed me to develop an amazing relationship with food and my body. No meal plans, no counting calories, no spending ages preparing separate meals for myself and NO GUILT! When I designed my program, I worked alongside an amazing nutritionist who shares the same beliefs: no extreme 'diet.' No 'good' or 'bad' foods. Having to prepare separate meals, spend ages prepping food or avoiding eating out.... these things are literally a recipe for disaster! This week in my program, my amazing ladies are focusing on food, making the changes that matter for long term, sustainable weight loss. If you'd to find out more about those powerful 'tweaks' and how to integrate them into your life - let me know! Happy eating and much love to you all, Em x

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Emma Hamlin (@emma.hamlin),

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