Po tom, ako schudla 100 kíl, ju lekár zbavil prebytočnej kože: FOTO len pre silnejšie povahy
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Po tom, ako schudla 100 kíl, ju lekár zbavil prebytočnej kože: FOTO len pre silnejšie povahy

Zdroj: Instagram/transforming_noelle

Noelle je dnes šťastná a vysmiata matka piatich detí, ktorá si každý jeden deň naplno užíva. Časy, kedy vážila takmer 200 kilogramov, jej pripomínajú už len staré fotografie.

Znie to takmer neuveriteľne, no ešte ako dieťa sa Noelle venovala gymnastike a bola aj celkom úspešná. Tréningy však išli ruka v ruke so zdravou stravou a odriekaním si. Keď prestala cvičiť, naplno si začala vychutnávať jedlá, ktoré boli pre ňu dlhé roky zakázané a začala sa prejedať.

Hviezda seriálu Hrobári Zuzana Mauréry je ľahšia o viac ako desať kíl aj vďaka práci

Všetko zašlo až tak ďaleko, že sa vyjedla na takmer 200 kilogramov! Tu si povedala dosť a začala na sebe makať. Upravila stravu, začala cvičiť a výsledky sa u nej dostavili veľmi rýchlo. Za 14 mesiacov zhodila cez 100 kilogramov. Svojmu úspechu sa veľmi tešila, no musela riešiť ďalší problém - ovísajúcu kožu.

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Happy #sameshirtsaturday ? I remember when starting my journey back in July of 2016 not wanting to take before photos. Before photos would be a reminder of another failed attempt at getting healthy. I don't have very many photos at my highest weight. At the beginning of my journey, I bought a 60 inch body measuring tape and started to measure around my hips. There was roughly a 12 inch Gap where the tape would not meet around my hips. I was devastated and put the tape up refusing to finish measuring. I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself. Here I am today down 230 lb in 14 months and in maintenance for 2 years. I am so upset that I did not get those measurements. I would love to see how many inches I have gone down. I cannot stress this enough.... Please take all the photos, please get in front of the camera, please learn from me. One day you'll be grateful you did. . How others see you is not important, how you see yourself is everything ❤️ . #happysaturday #saturdaymorning #extremeweightloss #beforeandafter #strongereveryday #lifestyletransformation #lifestylechange #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitfam #fitcouple #bustababaloo #youareworthy #youarecapable #grateful #losingweight #weightloss #weightlosscommunity

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Noelle Dawson ⬇️ 230 Pounds (@transforming_noelle),

Po tak drastickom chudnutí jej bolo naozaj veľa. Noelle neostávalo nič iné len si ju dať chirurgicky odstrániť. Ako to celé vyzeralo, tmavovláska verne zdokumentovala na Instagrame. Nie je to síce príjemný pohľad, no Noelle chcela všetkým ukázať, že sa oplatí byť fit a podstúpiť všetku bolesť a trápenie, ak ste sa už na cestu za zdravším ja vydali...

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4 Months Post-Op Excess Skin Removal with @alexgalvezmd ? Physically feeling pretty normal these days. So excited to be working on my handstands again ??‍♀️ but boy am I weak ?? I'll get there ?? Mentally still getting used to this new body. I cannot explain the feeling I get when looking in the mirror or looking down and not recognizing my own body. This journey has been all mental! I am so grateful that I did not suffer in pain but mentally this was really tough on me. I have grown so much over these last 4 months and couldn't be happier with my results. . . Since this journey has been so much easier than I imagined, I'm highly considering doing my thighs ? . . #alexgalvezmd #galvezdoll #bodybygalvez #brachioplasty #extendedarmlift #360beltlipectomy #butterflylift #extendedtt #breastlift #breastreduction #fdl #fleurdelis #reversetummytuck #naturalweightloss #plasticsurgery #excessskin #looseskin #ketolife #bodybygalvez #galvezdoll #surgery #alexgalvezmd #trainandtransform #230poundsreleased #fitspo #plasticsurgeryjourney #weightlossjourney

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Noelle Dawson ⬇️ 230 Pounds (@transforming_noelle),

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12 Weeks Post Op from excess skin removal after losing 230 pounds. I feel such a relief off my chest....literally and figuratively ?? I went from a 58III to a 36G chest. The weight of my boobs has always caused me back problems. Doesn't every woman lose their boobs first when losing weight!?!?!? NOPE! Not me ? @alexgalvezmd removed almost 5 pounds just off my chest! The relief my back and shoulders after going from a 36G to a 36C is life changing! I also had terrible breast pain and that has ceased as well. 5 pounds were removed from my belly, arms and back. These areas did not cause me lose skin pain but I'm very happy I got it all done. Feeling and healing Beautifully and continuing to ensure I don't over do it some days. Sometimes I'm clumsy and forget that I just had major surgery ? . . @alexgalvezmd peformed a Brachioplasty, fleur-de-lis, breast lift and reduction, 360 belt lipectomy with a butterfly lift and reverse tummy tuck. . #brachioplasty #extendedarmlift #trophywings #batwings #extendedtt #breastlift #breastreduction #plasticsurgery #excessskin #looseskin #bodybygalvez #galvezdoll #surgery #plasticsurgeon #alexgalvezmd #fitspo #losingfat #losingweight #naturalweightloss #ketolife #weightlossjourney #snatchedbygalvez

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Noelle Dawson ⬇️ 230 Pounds (@transforming_noelle),

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11 Weeks PO Excess Skin Removal with @alexgalvezmd ? I'm almost 2 years into maintenance after losing 230 pounds and now 11 Weeks po ? This journey has been a major challenge with the most incredible payoff......a long active life with my family ❤️ . I'm SO EXCITED to participate in my Stepbet again ? Love getting to know some of you a little more closely ? I've received quite a bit of messages regarding signing up. This is just the warm-up week and does not count for or against you. The official start date is this Sunday the 7th. Two more days to sign up and I hope to see you there! More details in my bio! . . 360 belt lipectomy with a butterfly lift, fleur-de-lis, reverse tummy tuck, breast lift and reduction, and talk to your party (brachioplasty) @splattard . #alexgalvezmd #galvezdoll #bodybygalvez #brachioplasty #extendedarmlift #360beltlipectomy #butterflylift #extendedtt #breastlift #breastreduction #fdl #fleurdelis #reversetummytuck #naturalweightloss #plasticsurgery #excessskin #looseskin #ketolife #trainandtransform #230poundsreleased #fitspo #plasticsurgeryjourney #weightlossjourney #friyay #girlswholift #stepupwithnoelle

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Noelle Dawson ⬇️ 230 Pounds (@transforming_noelle),

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