Schudla 63 kíl a vyzerá super: Podarilo sa jej to s týmto jedálničkom
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Schudla 63 kíl a vyzerá super: Podarilo sa jej to s týmto jedálničkom

Zdroj: instagram/erindrotleff

Trojnásobná mamička vážila 138 kilogramov, keď si povedala, že takto to ďalej nepôjde a musí so sebou niečo urobiť. Podarilo sa jej zhodiť neuveriteľných 63 kíl a je z nej iný človek!

Erin bola už odmalička zvyknutá jesť nezdravú stravu, čo sa veľmi rýchlo podpísalo aj pod jej postavu. V škole sa jej preto deti posmievali a častovali ju nelichotivými nadávkami ako slonica alebo veľryba. Doma to nebolo o nič lepšie! Hoci sa neustále snažila schudnúť, vždy sa u nej dostavil jojo efekt a ešte viac pribrala...

Vedeli ste, že sa dá schudnúť aj pomocou akupunktúry?

​Keď sa u nej začali prejavovať rôzne zdravotné komplikácie, depresie a úzkosti, zaťala sa a povedala si, že so sebou musí niečo robiť. Ako prvé od základov zmenila svoje stravovanie. Stavila na zdravé jedlá a k nim pridala aj pohyb. Najprv začala s pravidelnou chôdzou, potom pridala aj posilňovanie a cvičenie. Ručička na váhe sa však hýbala smerom dole len veľmi pomaly. Po 5 mesiacoch schudla 7 kilogramov, čo ju však nakoplo. Svoje tipy na chudnutie začala zdieľať na sociálnych sieťach, aby aj iným ženám pomohla schudnúť. 

Ako vyzerá jej jedálniček?

Erin sama priznáva, že jedlo doteraz nadovšetko miluje, ale má k nemu už oveľa zdravší vzťah a rozmyslí si, čo zje. Svoj deň začína zeleným smoothie a kávou. Na raňajky si dá ovsenú kašu alebo vajíčka. Na obed a večere si varí obyčajne ryžu s mäsom a zeleninou. Po večeri si dopraje aj nejakú sladkosť ako odmenu. Vraj potom v noci nechodí vyjedať chladničku. 

@erindrotleff I feel like I’m just getting started ??✝️???? let the goal crushing and dream chasing continue! NEVER give up! Ever . . . . . #weightless#transformation#inspiration#mom#ppd#postpartum#mommy#powerful#god#godisgood#weightlossinspiration#weightlossjourney#fattofit#saved#foryoupage#foryou#fyp #explorepage#weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlosshelp #weightlosscommunity #weightlosscoaching #weightlosstips #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #beforeandafterweightloss#onlinecoaching#weightlosstips ♬ original sound - Erin Drotleff | Weightloss

@erindrotleff Keep going ??#weightloss #transformation ♬ original sound - Erin Drotleff | Weightloss

@erindrotleff The amount of people that won’t see your hard work is going to be large. It be tough when people only see the end result but what I have learned is your battle is YOURS to live and know and celebrate. There’s no quick way to completely change your life. It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifices and showing up when you really don’t want to. The biggest change for me has been mental and in my faith ?? (I have never felt more connected to God and it’s helping me truly find myself and my purpose) I’ve suffered a lot of trauma in my life and even specifically this year has been probably the hardest for my husband and I ever. But, I chose to fight and I’m really proud of myself for that. If I had waited for a good time to continue my journey there never would have been one. What we have faced during my weightloss journey? Losing my husbands dad, our dog, our home and all our savings, moving 12 times with 3 young kids and 2 dogs, while trying to stay on top of sharing here, building a business to help stay afloat and get long term housing (I did that btw!! Because of you all!! So grateful ???!) I don’t say this because I want any praise. I truly don’t because the blessings this storm has developed in my life and for my character far outweigh any of the difficulties. I say this because for once in my life I didn’t use anything as an excuse and man, there have been some good excuses. People ask what kept me in this and how I find the motivation and the truth is when you are in a place where it’s truly a fight for your life in all ways…. You stop making excuses. I’m very grateful for all of your support and for the passion I have found to help others struggling. In life, in weightloss, in business. I just want to help and share and show that it’s possible even for those of us who everyone else is and has always counted out. When I say if I can do this, so can you, I really mean that ???? #weightloss#fyp#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlosscommunity#lifechanging ♬ Lose Control - Teddy Swims

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