Schudla viac ako 60 kilogramov a vôbec nehladovala: Túto mamičku by ste dnes nespoznali
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Schudla viac ako 60 kilogramov a vôbec nehladovala: Túto mamičku by ste dnes nespoznali

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Zdroj: Instagram/claire__wills__sw/

Nikdy nie je neskoro na to, aby ste zmenili svoj život k lepšiemu. To si povedala aj Claire, ktorá bola celý život obézna. Až doteraz!

Šťastie človeka určite nezávisí od veľkosti oblečenia, ktoré nosí. Ak je však fit, jeho pohľad na svet je predsalen pozitívnejší, ako keď nedokáže prejsť ani päť metrov. Niečo so svojím život sa rozhodla urobiť aj Claire!

Verili by ste, že aj taká Zora Czoborová chudne?

​Táto sympatická mamička si jedného dňa povedala dosť! Hnevalo ju, že sa pre svoju vysokú váhu nedokáže o svoju rodinu postarať tak, ako by si to predstavovala. Rozhodla sa, že konečne schudne.

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I have posted a collection of pictures, all of which were put on social media by someone else and I was tagged. I used to dread that ping saying I was tagged in a picture. I always knew that regardless of my weight I made a good impression face to face, but everyone who follows that person can now see that picture, and is judging. I class myself as a very confident person, and I love myself and who I am and always have, but it still used to cause that rise of embarrassment. This little space of social media, the wonderful world of Insta changed it all for me. It is such an inspirational place full of people transforming in front of your eyes and saying, ‘you can do this too’. And they are all right, you can. It’s time to #besnaphappy and make those few tiny steps and changes to improving your health and well-being #swbeinspired #10andahalfstoneaward #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldtransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldfood #10andahalfstonegone #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017 #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017finalist #teamwoty2017

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Claire (@claire__wills__sw),

Prvotnou inšpiráciou jej boli rôzni ľudia z Instagramu, ktorí sa s verejnosťou podelili o svoje chudnúce príbehy. Potom sa Claire zverila do rúk výživového poradcu, ktorý jej na mieru zostavil jedálniček. 

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First #throwbackthursday of the year! Huzzah! Back to the days where I couldn’t get down to the floor without help, couldn’t get up off the floor without help, where I was a genuinely useless mother, wife and human being because I couldn’t do the most basic of functions. Looking slimmer and seeing the size drop is jolly good and all that, but when you existed for so long it’s nice to finally live! Picture on the right is me living this morning, though I felt a touch dead ??❤️ #10andahalfstoneaward #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldtransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldfood #10andahalfstonegone #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017 #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017finalist #teamwoty2017

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Claire (@claire__wills__sw),

Claire sa tak vzdala všetkého nezdravého jedla, z ktorého priberala, nepila alkohol a začala športovať. Výsledky sa dostavili veľmi rýchle a jej premena je naozaj neskutočná! Claire sa podarilo zhodiť viac ako 60 kilogramov a dnes by ste ju nespoznali. Vyzerá ako úplne iný človek a väčšinou je vysmiata od ucha k uchu. To, čo sa jej podarilo je neuveriteľné, a preto sa so svojím príbehom podelila aj ona, aby motivovala tých, ktorí chcú schudnúť, no nevedia, ako začať. 

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PHWOAR I haven’t done one of these in AGES! Probably because I am like the human version of the Buckaroo Donkey, and I genuinely cannot keep enough plates spinning currently - I have to leave a couple to fall off, knowing that when I have had time I will be able to pick them up and glue them together later. So, I’m popping a bit of glue on you for a few minutes Insta. Bear with me guys, it’s really hard being this BLOODY FABULOUS #slimmingworldinsta #studentnurse #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldtransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldfood #10andahalfstonegone #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017finalist #teamwoty2017 #bodymagic #dreambelieveachieve #slimmingworldmagazinerecipe

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Claire (@claire__wills__sw),

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#transformationtuesday ‘I would never wear a dress’ . . ‘I would never stand in a changing room as I get anxious and sweaty and uncomfortable’ . . ‘They won’t have my size and the staff will be laughing at me trying to fit in clothes that clearly will never fit me’ . . . . Yesterday - ‘excuse me, this 12 is a bit too big. I want it tighter’ ?????????? #slimmingworldinsta #studentnurse #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldtransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #slimmingworldmeals #slimmingworldfood #10andahalfstonegone #slimmingworldwomanoftheyear2017finalist #teamwoty2017 #bodymagic #dreambelieveachieve

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Claire (@claire__wills__sw),

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