Keď doktorka uvidela jej tvár, skoro odpadla: Je TOTO žena s najhorším akné?
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Keď doktorka uvidela jej tvár, skoro odpadla: Je TOTO žena s najhorším akné?

zena s akne

Zdroj: Instagram/emilykeel_

Emily je mladé dievča, ktoré by sa od svojich rovesníčok v ničom neodlišovalo. Nebyť problematickej pleti, pre ktorú veľa nocí preplakala.

Emily má 25 rokov a dlhé roky bojovala so silným akné, ktoré jej zdobilo tvár. Jej stav bol natoľko zlý, že keď navštívila lekárku, tá jej bez servítky povedala, že je to tá najhoršia pleť, akú kedy videla. To mladému dievčaťu nepridalo na sebavedomí. 

Tu sú rady odborníčky, čo robiť s akné

"Vyskúšala som asi všetko možné, čo sa dalo, aby mi akné zmizlo. Rôzne krémy, diéty, meditácie, cvičenia, akupunktúru a nič nezaberalo," priznala Emily. Okrem toho, že sa s problémom nevedela popasovať sama, musela sa vyrovnať aj s tým, ako sa na ňu ľudia pozerali a mysleli si, že žije nezdravý život, a preto má akné. Všetko sa tak zhoršilo, že jedného dňa dala v práci výpoveď.

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I still can’t quite believe that there is only 6 months between the first and the last photo ?? ⁣ This year has been a special year and I am incredibly grateful for my journey and how lucky I have been. ⁣ ⁣ I rarely look back at photos of my skin at its worst because it’s like looking at a different person. I tried so hard to be strong and brave but it took so much of my energy. I was a shell of who I am now. The first photo was taken in February at the beginning of my accutane journey.⁣ ⁣ The middle photo was taken at the end of May when my accutane journey was coming to and end, I was over the moon with the results and didn’t particularly care about the redness and scarring, but I was tired and drained from the medication. ⁣ ⁣ The last photo was taken yesterday. I can’t believe what accutane, a positive mindset and using @banishacnescars everyday has done for my skin, but also for my mind. I feel like me again and it’s the best feeling in the world. ⁣ ⁣ If you’re suffering with acne or any skin conditions I promise you it will get better, you will feel better and you will learn so much about yourself on the way. Never give up, never lose hope ?✨

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Emily Keel (@emilykeel_),

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SWIPE TO SEE MY SKIN A YEAR AGO! ➡️⁣ ⁣ I’m feeling a bit emotionally as I just had my first facial treatment in about 10 months. And it was wonderful!! ⁣ ⁣ Last year I underwent laser, led light therapy, chemical peels and all sorts in a bid to clear my acne - but sadly none of them worked. Normally going to have beauty treatments is enjoyable or therapeutic but I found most appointments pretty traumatic because of the pain and the embarrassment surrounding my skin. ⁣ ⁣ During accutane I didn’t even think about having any treatments as my skin was so sensitive but I decided that as I’m 3 months post accutane it was time to treat myself! I visited @cdb_skin_and_brows (she’s so lovely) and I left feeling so grateful and relaxed ❤️ ⁣ ⁣ I don’t often sit and think about how far I’ve come, but I really do feel incredibly blessed to be in the place I am now. I have grown so much as a person and I am so proud.⁣ ⁣ Go and do something lovely for yourself! ??‍♀️✨?

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Emily Keel (@emilykeel_),

Pred pár mesiacmi sa so svojím trápením zdôverila na sociálnych sieťach. Až vtedy zistila, koľko ľudí bojuje s rovnakým problémom ako ona a prvýkrát cítila, že nie je sama. Emily nakoniec pomohli lieky, vďaka ktorým sa vzhľad jej pleti za pol roka radikálne zlepšil. Dnes sa svojím príbehom snaží motivovať iných, nech sa nehanbia za to, ako vyzerajú, keď za to nemôžu. 

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