Surové a pravdivé FOTO anorektičky: Vážila len 35 kilogramov, keď jej telo skolabovalo
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Surové a pravdivé FOTO anorektičky: Vážila len 35 kilogramov, keď jej telo skolabovalo

pribeh anorekticky

Zdroj: Instagram

Zažila stavy, kedy sa nemohla pohnúť z postele a nespoznávala tváre svojich najbližších. To všetko len pre dokonalú postavu! Teraz sa svojimi šokujúcimi fotkami snaží pomáhať iným s touto nemocou.

Pri pohľade na krásnu mladú Sachu dnes by ste len ťažko povedali, že pred pár mesiacmi bola na pokraji smrti.

Aj ona, rovnako ako mnoho mladých žien, bojovala s anorexiou. Všetko to začalo na strednej škole, kde sa začala zaoberať svojou hmotnosťou. Najprv vyhadzovala svoje obedy, postupne sa začala v jedle veľmi obmedzovať. Denne do seba dostala nejakú zeleninu, polovicu fľaše sladeného nápoja a vyfajčila krabičku cigariet. Znie to neuveriteľne, no denne zjedla len niečo okolo 150 kalórii!

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Risky business with Cèline ??#brokeasshoe #shadesonfleek #summerdayz #withmylove @a_ringwood

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sacha Clare Reeve (@sacha_clare),

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// your vibe -AttractS- your tribe \\ ✌?️✌?✌? #happyfriday #smilecauseyoucan #happinessiskey

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sacha Clare Reeve (@sacha_clare),

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I saw the photo of myself on the left the other day and tears just flowed...I feel SO strongly about EMPOWERING & INSPIRING women to be comfortable in their own skin and embracing diversity, differences, DNA, dimples, tiger marks but most of LIFE & LIVING, so I wanted to share . I was a shell of a human . I thought I could control how I felt by barely existing and numbing myself out from the world that surrounded me . I placed far to much value in WHAT I was not WHO I was because, well blatantly, I had the belief I wasn’t enough . It didn’t get me anywhere other than a very close encounter with death . I never saw any value in myself other than my body . I was never truly happy, I barely laughed, I struggled lifting myself out of bed each day, I missed out on years of LIVING, I lied to loved ones, I lost friends, I fought with my mind every goddamn moment to merely survive the day, I almost gave up multiple times . I lost myself in a piece of mind I never got, from a body that was never good enough . I fought hard, I still fight, each and every single day . It’s an uphill battle, but it’s a battle worth fighting till I die . I’ve found passion in life again, I have the ability to LIVE not exist, I can genuinely laugh and feel happiness, I have hope and plans for the future, I’ve found love but most of all I’ve found worth in myself & even though I may not feel it 24/7 I know I am enough, as a matter of fact, MORE than enough . No I don’t wake up and love myself every morning BUT I have found love in what life presents me with each and every day . It’s a blessing to be alive, let alone having the ability and capability to move, love, nourish, create memories, to wake up every morning and simply smile . If you are reading this there is a reason for that, I believe in divine timing and maybe that’s what this is but if I can say anything, it is this; Know you are ENOUGH, embrace YOURSELF, don’t punish yourself for what you believe you lack, you are BLESSED to be alive, don’t miss out on moments for madness in your mind, there is nothing more BEAUTIFUL than CONFIDENCE & remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Give yourself the best chance at living✨

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sacha Clare Reeve (@sacha_clare),

Okrem toho, že sa cítila byť tučná, neustále si nahovárala, že práve pre svoj vzhľad nikdy nič nedokáže a nie je dosť dobrá. Vyhladovala sa na 35 kilogramov a jej telo začalo zlyhávať. Dostala sa do vegetatívneho stavu, kedy nespoznávala najbližších, nevedela čítať, hovoriť, nerozumela hovorenej reči... Až keď sa dostala na špeciálnu kliniku a jej mama vážne onemocnela, povedala si, že sa musí dať dokopy. Po roku terapie dokáže zjesť denne tri zdravé jedlá a vyzerá fit! Váži 63 kilogramov a cíti sa skvele. Svojimi fotkami a príbehom chce pomôcť iným ženám, ktoré trápi rovnaká choroba...

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New YouTube Video up (link in bio) . . What once used to burden my life has now become something that empowers me. Obsessive/addictive exercising 4hrs a day + multiple hours spent in saunas or burning hot baths to burn off every last calorie or bit of “fat” I had left in/on me, used to take up every hour/day/month of my life for years. Hours and hours spent at supermarkets, health food stores, on websites reading cafe menus, on calorie calculators counting every last calorie I ate or drank including water to figure out how much I had to thrash myself at the gym the next day. My mind become a bank, what I ate became a loan that I then had to pay back through exercise (burning off what I ate plus more) until I got so tired of it that I stopped eating all together to save myself the headache. Food & Exercise addiction became my life, nothing else mattered, as long as I weighed less and took up less space, I was a more worthy human. Today I thrive off food, it’s been my medicine and what has & continues to keep me alive, I remind myself every day I am actually blessed to have access to clean fresh food. Food is fuel, it is not the enemy, I would not be alive without it. I now surf, go for walks along the beach with friends, shoot some hoops or go for a skate, I know I have to be pretty careful with exercise as it’s so easy for me to fall back into using it as a tool to burn calories which is a terrible mentality for anyone to have towards it and is a slippery slope for me. When I feel down about my body I remind myself, I have legs that take me on adventures, I have arms that help me surf, I have a tummy built to carry another human inside of it. I strip it back to basics and take away the superficial part of the human race! We are worth so much bloody more than our looks, what diet we’re on or how much we exercise. Never loose yourself in these extras we are actually blessed to have in our life!

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sacha Clare Reeve (@sacha_clare),

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One year ago I made the gut wrenching decision to end my European holiday with my bestfriend, and come home to fight for my life. To recover from something that had taken away any value life had to offer me. I wanted to LIVE, not merely "exist". . . Every morning I woke up, I chose life, I chose to live, I chose Sacha over ED. With every ounce of energy I had, I fought, day in, day out. Every minute of the day I pushed aside all the ludicrous unrealistic thoughts I had, to find reality. . . It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't fun, it wasn't easy, it wasn't linear. It was a painful, ugly, uncomfortable, head f**cking and grueling process, BUT it was worth every godamn second of it. . . It may not be over but as the days go on I get stronger. I'm still learning, growing, fighting and finding myself but I don't think that will ever change. . . There is a sparkle in my eyes again, a giant smile on my face, a constant & contagious laugh in my voice, a skip in my step and happiness in my soul. I found my worth in WHO I am, not WHAT I am. . . I chose to live out of LOVE over fear. I chose LIFE over anorexia and I'm so happy I did, because there is so much more to it than what meets the eye? No one is getting out of here alive, so we may as well do as much living as we can, whilst we can! . . If I can inspire just 1 person by sharing my story, that's 1 less person suffering and 1 more person LIVING. Go on girl, you can do it. One Day or Day One? You've got the power to choose. It's time for you to start believing in YOU. #RecoveryIsPossible #EdWarrior #YouAreEnough

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sacha Clare Reeve (@sacha_clare),

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